6 Things You Didn't Know About Bariatric Surgery!

6 Things You Didn't Know About Bariatric Surgery!
When thinking about undergoing bariatric surgery, you may come across false, misleading, and dangerous information because the procedure requires pre- and post-operative guidance from a specialist. This is because life after bariatric surgery can be full of surprises - good, bad, and even the most embarrassing ones - so it's important to receive psychological support.

With that in mind, we brought you six facts about the surgical procedure that you may not know yet. Check it out!

What is bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a procedure that helps you lose weight by altering the way your stomach and small intestine deal with the food you eat, and can be divided into restrictive surgeries, which reduce the amount of food stored by the stomach; mixed surgeries, with a small degree of restriction and a short intestine bypass, with slight malabsorption of food; and malabsorptive surgeries, which reduce the intestine's ability to absorb food.

Restrictive Bariatric Surgery

Weight loss is achieved by reducing food intake. The expected results include weight loss and improved quality of life, such as cardiovascular and metabolic problems, such as diabetes. It can be performed with:

Adjustable Gastric Band:

This is an inflatable silicone ring placed in the stomach. The tighter it is, the slower the food will exit. This way, the patient can control the speed of feeding and eats smaller portions. Although it does not promote changes in hormone production, like bypass, this technique is quite safe and effective in reducing weight. It is also worth noting that the procedure is reversible!

Vertical Sleeve Gastroplasty:

This is a new technique that is capable of removing 70% to 80% of the stomach longitudinally. It proposes the restrictive effect, due to the reduction in the size of the stomach, but also due to the reduction of the organ, which removes the part of hormone production responsible for the sensation of hunger.

Mixed and Malabsorptive Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgeries with mixed techniques combine the reduction of the stomach's capacity with a decrease in nutrient absorption. Therefore, they are responsible for a greater weight loss, compared to other surgeries, however, an increase in difficulty in absorbing nutrients.

It is worth emphasizing that the technique has effects on metabolism, regardless of weight loss. It is important to know that these patients are more prone to complications from vitamin deficiencies, making the appearance of osteoporosis and an increase in daily bowel movements easier.

Mixed with Restrictive Component:

Stomach size reduction occurs. Additionally, the food's path through the intestine will also be shorter, helping to reduce fat and sugar absorption. It is worth reiterating that, with this, the patient will hardly return to their old weight and has the possibility of reversal.

Gastric Bypass (Roux-en-Y Gastroplasty with Intestinal Deviation):

The most performed technique. In this procedure, a part of the stomach is stapled (restrictive) and intestinal deviation (malabsorptive). This promotes the increase of hormones that give satiety and decrease hunger. In addition to weight loss, it controls diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

Post-Bariatric Surgery Depression

After bariatric surgery, the onset of anxiety and depression is common in the first few days. This occurs mainly due to the feeling of hunger that appears shortly after surgery, being a psychological and not a real factor.
Achieving weight stability will always be a difficult goal to achieve without treating anxiety, increasing the surgery failure rate.

That's why one of the most important recommendations, and one that should start even before the surgical procedure, is psychological support. With it, it is possible to understand food compulsions and treat them in conjunction with aesthetics, reducing the surgery failure rate.

It is worth noting that the deficiency of Vitamin B12 can cause fatigue, lack of energy and other symptoms that can easily be confused with depression.

Dumping Syndrome

Dumping syndrome is a problem that occurs in some patients after weight loss surgery. It occurs due to the rapid passage of food between the stomach and intestine and symptoms can appear between 1-3 hours after eating, with the main symptoms being:

  • abdominal bloating;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • abdominal swelling;
  • bloating and stomach gas;
  • abdominal pain;
  • cramps;
  • diarrhea;
  • sweating;
  • anxiety and irritability;
  • hunger;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • tremors;
  • difficulty concentrating.

These symptoms appear due to the small intestine being unable to tolerate sugar, releasing large amounts of insulin. To pass, it is recommended to lie down immediately, avoiding fainting.

Hair loss after bariatric surgery

Hair loss can be a scary topic, right? However, it's very common for people who have undergone bariatric surgery to start noticing hair loss three to five months after the procedure. But why does this happen?

This occurs because those who undergo bariatric surgery experience rapid weight loss, and a higher prevalence of nutrient deficiencies after the procedure (such as zinc, biotin, potassium, vitamin B6, or phosphorus).

Therefore, a deficiency of these nutrients can damage the root of the hair, making the follicles weak.

Use of contraceptives after bariatric surgery

Women who have undergone bariatric surgery should avoid oral contraceptives, such as the birth control pill. This is because after weight loss surgery, the hormonal medication that prevents pregnancy may be less effective, making it an unreliable method.

Therefore, it is recommended that a woman who has undergone bariatric surgery should talk to her bariatric surgeon and gynecologist about her fertility.

Feeling cold after bariatric surgery

Feeling very cold is also one of the side effects of bariatric surgery. This occurs because losing a significant amount of fat in a relatively short period of time means you have less natural insulation.

In addition to depleted fat reserves, your metabolism will change. You will consume fewer calories, which means you will be converting less energy into heat.

So, if you feel cold all the time during the months after bariatric surgery, don't be alarmed. It's a common symptom!

A Life Filled with Care!

When the organ, which plays a crucial role in food digestion, is "severely" reduced, it's not just the desire to eat that changes. The body goes through changes that go beyond weight loss and require a complete lifestyle adaptation moving forward. With the stomach much smaller than normal, those who undergo bariatric surgery reduce food intake and absorb fewer vitamins and minerals than before, due to the intestinal bypass procedure.

It's also important to emphasize that bariatric patients may become more selective with their food choices and not consume necessary nutrients. Therefore, align your diet with a specialized professional!

In conclusion!
Bariatric surgery has many benefits, but one should remember that it is an operational procedure with a set of guidelines to follow.

Therefore, if you want to keep these stunning results consistent, you need to work daily. As you can see, after bariatric surgery, it's natural for patients to have difficulty absorbing nutrients.

And the Belt Nutrition Supplement line was developed specifically to meet the nutritional needs of bariatric patients who seek a healthy life; in other words, it's a great ally against obesity.

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