Why do some people gain weight back after bariatric surgery?

Why do some people gain weight back after bariatric surgery?
Having bariatric surgery is a complex process, even before the procedure. This is because, overnight, a person acquires a slim body and, often, without psychological preparation, they keep a head with food compulsions. This is just one of the reasons for weight gain after surgery.

It is worth noting that a weight gain of up to 10% after bariatric surgery is common, but only if the weight gain occurs within two years. If the percentage is higher, it is necessary to revisit the medical prescription and start monitoring with a professional.

In this post, you will discover the reasons that lead some people to gain weight, as one of the effects of bariatric surgery, as well as how to prevent this problem!

Effects of Bariatric Surgery
After a medical procedure, whether it is or not, the body takes time to readjust. And, especially in a stomach reduction surgery, it is necessary to be aware of the changes - including weight gain after a few months of surgery.

Reduces the production of a hormone in the stomach
One of the main indicators of weight gain after bariatric surgery is the decrease in the production of the hormone GLP-1 by the stomach. This factor was discovered by a team of researchers at USP who found a low amount of the hormone in people who underwent surgery, over a period of five years.

GLP-1 is responsible for communicating to the brain the feeling of satiety, and with the reduction of the substance and the reduced stomach, this information takes time to reach the central nervous system. The result is that the person continues to eat above the capacity of the operated stomach, leading to weight gain again.

May generate or reactivate a food compulsion

Can trigger other compulsions
As food becomes, often, an option, another type of compulsion may arise. Excessive gaming and shopping, drug and drink consumption, among other types of vices appear as an attempt to mitigate the effects of bariatric surgery.

The stomach returns to accommodate the same amount as before
Acquiring or even regaining a food compulsion after surgery has the secondary effect of making the stomach return to its pre-operative size.

The stomach is an elastic organ, so it can return to its capacity before surgery, even after being "closed" with bariatric surgery. Each time the compulsive eater eats more, this organ dilates, supporting greater amounts of food. And, in the medium term, the person regains all the weight they lost with surgery.

Preventing Weight Gain After Bariatric Surgery: What You Need to Know

To avoid weight gain after bariatric surgery, it is necessary to adopt various measures. This involves measures both before and after the surgery.

Getting Psychological Preparation Beforehand
It is normal for someone who needs to undergo this surgery to have insecurity and other negative feelings about the effects of bariatric surgery. That's why a medical release by a psychologist or, in some cases, a psychiatrist, is mandatory.

In addition to these professionals, a nutritionist and an endocrinologist are also part of the team. This team releases the person for the operation and provides the necessary support to ensure the person's safety before going to the operating table.

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle
Maintaining a balanced diet and developing healthy habits are among the pillars that successfully support the effects of bariatric surgery. Among the measures to follow in this new phase of life are also practicing physical activities, visiting the doctor regularly, using prescribed medications and supplements, and avoiding smoking.

One of the most important issues is vitamin and mineral intake. This is because deficiencies or shortages can indeed be associated with weight gain and even difficulty in losing weight.

Alcohol is not restricted after surgery, but it should be avoided as much as possible because, in addition to being very calorie-rich, it can trigger an addiction. It is also important to note that one of the effects of bariatric surgery is to make the body more sensitive to alcohol, causing the person to become drunk quickly.

Being Honest with the Professional
It is essential to tell the psychologist the truth about what you think about this change in life and what sensations you have about this new phase. This is the moment and the right person to do this, as he or she is there not to judge the patient but rather to support them in a professional manner.

Omitting information or even lying about your health status in an attempt to quickly obtain approval for surgery will bring serious problems later after bariatric surgery. Therefore, it is imperative to attend the appointment with this attitude, and it is up to the professional to take the appropriate measures to guide the person to or not to the surgery.

In addition to all these precautions to avoid the effects of bariatric surgery, it is also important for the patient to have the support of family members. These people can greatly reduce the impact that this surgery has, bringing more comfort and relief. Helping the person follow a normal and very healthy life after.